E-mail: tijana@vinca.rs
Phone: +381 11 644 2532
ORCID: 0000-0002-8161-3647
ResearchGate: Visit Website
Scopus: Visit Website
  • PhD: Biology, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, 2012
    Title: “Tissue specificity of 17β-estradiol effects on insulin signaling pathway”

    BSc: Animal and human physiology, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, 2002
    Title: “Application of DNA typing method in forensic practice”



  • Research fields

    molecular endocrinology; molecular mechanisms of hormone action; insulin signaling; insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome

    Selected publications

    1. Stanišić J, Korićanac G, Ćulafić T, Romić S, Stojiljković M, Kostić M, Pantelić M, Tepavčević S. Low intensity exercise prevents disturbances in rat cardiac insulin signaling and endothelial nitric oxide synthase induced by high fructose diet. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2016 Jan 15;420:97-104.

    2. Romic S, Tepavcevic S, Zakula Z, Milosavljevic T, Stojiljkovic M, Zivkovic M, Popovic M, Stankovic A, Koricanac G. Does oestradiol attenuate the damaging effects of a fructose-rich diet on cardiac Akt/endothelial nitric oxide synthase signalling? Br J Nutr. 2013 Jun;109(11):1940-8.

    3. Korićanac G, Tepavčević S, Romić S, Živković M, Stojiljković M, Milosavljević T, Stanković A, Petković M, Kamčeva T, Žakula Z. Estradiol enhances effects of fructose rich diet on cardiac fatty acid transporter CD36 and triglycerides accumulation. Eur J Pharmacol. 2012 Nov 5;694(1-3):127-34.

    4. Zakula Z, Koricanac G, Tepavcevic S, Stojiljkovic M, Milosavljevic T, Isenovic ER. Impairment of cardiac insulin signaling in fructose-fed ovariectomized female Wistar rats. Eur J Nutr. 2011 Oct;50(7):543-51.

    5. G. Koricanac, T. Milosavljevic, M. Stojiljkovic, Z. Zakula, N. Ribarac-Stepic and E.R. Isenovic: Insulin signaling in the liver and uterus of ovariectomized rats treated with estradiol. The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2008 Jan;108(1-2):109-16.