E-mail: sladj@vinca.rs
Telefon: +381 11 3408 688
ORCID: 0000-0002-4334-8002
  • Doktorat: Biološki fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, 1999.
    Tema: '' Dejstvo različitih stresora na simpato-adrenalni sistem kod pacova prethodno izlaganih dugotrajnom stresu''

    Magistratura: Biološki fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, 1994
    Tema: ''Uloga locusa coeruleusa u promenema koncentracije noradrenalina i adrenalina u plazmi normotenzivnih i spontano hipertenzivnih pacova izloženih imobilizacijskom stresu."

    Osnovne studije: Biologija, Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, 1988.

    Stručna usavršavanja

    1998-1999; 2001; 2002.-studijski boravak u Institutu za eksperimentalnu endokrinologiju, Slovačka akademija nauka, Bratislava, Slovačka.

  • Oblasti istraživanja

    endokrinologija, neurofiziologija, stres, fiziologija, neuroendokrinologija, neurofarmalologija

    Odabrane publikacije

    1. Dronjak S, J.Nikolić, V.Varagić. Effect of immobilization on catecholamines stores in some central and peripheral tissues of the normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats. In Stress: Catecholamine and other Neurotranmitters. (R.Kvetnanksy, R.McCarty and J.Axlrod,eds). pp. 353-363. Gordon and Breach Sciences Publisher S.A., New York 1996.
    2. Dronjak, S., Jezova, D., Kvetnansky, R. Different effects of novel stressors on sympathoadrenal system activation in rats exposed to long-term immobilization. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1018, 113-123, 2004.
    3. Stefanović B., Spasojević N., Jovanović P., Jasnic N., Djordjevic J., Dronjak S. Melatonin mediated antidepressant-like effect in the hippocampus of chronic stressed-induced depression rats: Regulating vesicular monoamine transporter 2 and monoamine oxidase A levels. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 26: 1629-1637, 2016.
    4. Jovanovic P, Spasojevic N, Puskas N, Stefanovic B, Dronjak S. Oxytocin modulates the expression of norepinephrine transporter, β 3-adrenoceptors and muscarinic M 2 receptors in the hearts of socially isolated rats. Peptides, 111: 132-141, 2019.
    5. Jankovic M, Spasojevic N, Ferizovic H, Stefanovic B, Dronjak S. Inhibition of the fatty acid amide hydrolase changes behaviors and brain catecholamines in a sex-specific manner in rats exposed to chronic unpredictable stress. Physiology&Behavior, 227:113174, 2020.