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Aleksic M, Brkic Z, Petrovic Z, Francija E, Lukic I, Adzic M (2022) Sex‐specific contribution of glucocorticoid receptor alpha isoforms to anxiety and depressive‐like behavior in mice. Journal of Neuroscience Research 100:1239–1253

Bondžić AM, Žakula JJ, Korićanac LB, Keta OD, Janjić G V., Đorđević IS, Rajković SU (2022) Cytotoxic activity and influence on acetylcholinesterase of series dinuclear platinum(II) complexes with aromatic nitrogen-containing heterocyclic bridging ligands: Insights in the mechanisms of action. Chemico-Biological Interactions 351:109708

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Đorđević NO, Stanisavljević N, Todorović Vukotić N, Novović K, Žakula JJ, Stanković D, Pajović SB (2022) Antioxidant and cytotoxic activity of red wine after in vitro simulated digestion in the presence of complex food matrix. Natural Product Research 1–6

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Đurašević S, Nikolić G, Todorović A, Drakulić D, Pejić S, Martinović V, Mitić-Ćulafić D, Milić D, Kop TJ, Jasnić N, Đorđević J, Todorović Z (2020) Effects of fullerene C60 supplementation on gut microbiota and glucose and lipid homeostasis in rats. Food and Chemical Toxicology 140:111302

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Filipović D, Perić I, Costina V, Stanisavljević A, Gass P, Findeisen P (2020) Social isolation stress-resilient rats reveal energy shift from glycolysis to oxidative phosphorylation in hippocampal nonsynaptic mitochondria. Life Sciences 254:117790

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Pavlović I, Pejić S, Radojević-Škodrić S, Todorović A, Stojiljković V, Gavrilović L, Popović N, Basta-Jovanović G, Džamić Z, Pajović SB (2020) The effect of antioxidant status on overall survival in renal cell carcinoma. Archives of Medical Science 16:94–101

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Perić I, Stanisavljević A, Inta D, Gass P, Lang UE, Borgwardt S, Filipović D (2019) Tianeptine antagonizes the reduction of PV+ and GAD67 cells number in dorsal hippocampus of socially isolated rats. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 89:386–399

Petković VD, Keta OD, Vidosavljević MZ, Incerti S, Ristić Fira AM, Petrović IM (2019) Biological outcomes of γ-radiation induced DNA damages in breast and lung cancer cells pretreated with free radical scavengers. International journal of radiation biology 95:274–285

Popović N, Stojiljković V, Pejić S, Todorović A, Pavlović I, Gavrilović L, Pajović SB (2019) Modulation of Hippocampal Antioxidant Defense System in Chronically Stressed Rats by Lithium. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 2019:1–11

Radic I, Mijovic M, Tatalovic N, Mitic M, Lukic V, Joksimovic B, Petrovic Z, Ristic S, Velickovic S, Nestorovic V, Corac A, Miric M, Adzic M, Blagojevic D, Popovic L, Hudomal S (2019) Protective effects of whey on rat liver damage induced by chronic alcohol intake. Human & Experimental Toxicology 38:632–645

Sakata D, Lampe N, Karamitros M, Kyriakou I, Belov O, Bernal MA, Bolst D, Bordage MC, Breton V, Brown JMC, Francis Z, Ivanchenko V, Meylan S, Murakami K, Okada S, Petrovic I, Ristic-Fira A, Santin G, Sarramia D, Sasaki T, Shin WG, Tang N, Tran HN, Villagrasa C, Emfietzoglou D, Nieminen P, Guatelli S, Incerti S (2019) Evaluation of early radiation DNA damage in a fractal cell nucleus model using Geant4-DNA. Physica medica : PM : an international journal devoted to the applications of physics to medicine and biology : official journal of the Italian Association of Biomedical Physics (AIFB) 62:152–157

Stanisavljević A, Perić I, Bernardi RE, Gass P, Filipović D (2019) Clozapine increased c-Fos protein expression in several brain subregions of socially isolated rats. Brain Research Bulletin 152:35–44

Stanisavljević A, Perić I, Gass P, Inta D, Lang UE, Borgwardt S, Filipović D (2019) Brain Sub/Region-Specific Effects of Olanzapine on c-Fos Expression of Chronically Socially Isolated Rats. Neuroscience 396:46–65

Stanisic J, Koricanac G, Kostic M, Stojiljkovic M, Culafic T, Romic S, Tepavcevic S (2019) Low-intensity exercise in the prevention of cardiac insulin resistance-related inflammation and disturbances in NOS and MMP-9 regulation in fructose-fed ovariectomized rats. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism 44:1219–1229

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Todorović Nevena, Mićić B, Schwirtlich M, Stevanović M, Filipović D (2019) Subregion-specific Protective Effects of Fluoxetine and Clozapine on Parvalbumin Expression in Medial Prefrontal Cortex of Chronically Isolated Rats. Neuroscience 396:24–35

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Đorđević Neda, Todorović N, Novaković I, Pezo L, Pejin B, Maraš V, Tešević V, Pajović S (2018) Antioxidant Activity of Selected Polyphenolics in Yeast Cells: The Case Study of Montenegrin Merlot Wine. Molecules 23:1971

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